Astrology, Witches, Wokism, etc. is just set of various terms for paganism. We no longer live in a "Christian" culture (though that was just a veneer and not true faith) and unless we realize that and begin to respond appropriatley we will not be faithful to the witness of Christ. As believers we must be aware of our culture and look to the Biblical text to see how to respond. In addition, we must be known for what we are for, and not for what we are against. We are fortunate to have Biblical and historical records to show us how to change a culture. We need to realize that the way many Christians are going about it, does not mirror the record that has been preserved to guide us.
I have seen many "Christian" protests, street and campus preachers, powerful editorials in newspapers and social media; but none of these resulted in the making of disciples for which the church was created. More often than not I saw people turn away with a negative attitude to the church that would have to be addressed later if they were to come to Christ, the seed that was planted was poison, not life. Examine the new Testament; how often do you see the church gather in protest against a social event? Hint: you don't.
And while I am on the topic of how to navigate this culture, please consider that disciple-making is personal not public. Too often we swim the backstroke past downing people thinking we are declaring our faith - rather we are rejecting our purpose.
To close, let me give an historical example. Infantacide was a common cultural action during the time of the early church in Europe. Parents would take their new born to the edge of the community and abandon the child to death. The Church did not protest, stand in the street and preach against the action, write newsletters, etc, - they did none of the things we fall back on. What the Church did was follow parents quitely (saying nothing) and when the parents sat the child down, a Christian would pick the child up and raise it. After a time, parents who would haved previously abandoned their child, simply brought those children to the church and child abandonment faded away (it is returning, how will we deal with it?).
Consider the culture in which you live, the church changed cultures once, will we use the Biblical model to do it again?